Thursday, 10 March 2011

10-3-11 - ISS

Well that was a busy day! Note to self - get the passes when Europe is just finished work - much better results!
28 stations, some interesting ones in there - see the English Ambulance, G1LEV, the French Jogger F8FFP and the other Scottish station up in Fort Bill, GM1YPJ!
Below is where they are, in case of interest :) (click to enlarge)


Monday, 7 March 2011

07/03/11 - ISS

Quiet pass, overall, with 11 stations heard.

Furthest away, again was Spain, however the most interesting ones were SP1TMN, from Poland and 9A6AIB from Croatia. There's a cheeky Swiss station in as HB9DUQ too!

Shiny new maps, because we're using OpenStreetMaps for plotting data now, is cool... This one's slightly more up to date than the last one - it doesn't have Yugoslavia and the USSR on it. Still got funny umbrellas on Greece though. Click it for a larger picture too!
